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Sunday, June 30, 2024

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News + PoliticsWe just need 10 more members this week for a $10K matching...

We just need 10 more members this week for a $10K matching grant!

We are so close! Help independent, local media survive in the billionaire-dominated, corporate-infested news landscape.


We are so almost there! Thank you so much to those who have signed up during our Summer Membership Drive so far—we’ll be rolling out perks soon (including exclusive election coverage from Tim!), but right now we need JUST 10 MORE MEMBERS TO SIGN UP at $20 per month by June 30 to receive a $10K matching grant! We are so grateful to our community for helping to make us all-local, corporate-free, billionaire-mocking media!

Here’s a fun video about how we are changingg the local mediascape with help from our community:

48 Hills welcomes comments in the form of letters to the editor, which you can submit here. We also invite you to join the conversation on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 


Breed, Chiu gave right-wing Supreme Court ammunition to criminalize poverty

Grants Pass decision on homelessness relies heavily on the city's legal brief.

The brutality of criminalizing homelessness

The Supreme Court decision is another step in the process of legitimizing systems of oppression.

Pancakes, party favors, and animatronic wolves? ‘Fantastico’!

At Casemore Gallery, Lindsey White uses sparkling humor and magic to plumb deeper issues of local artmaking.

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Score discount tickets and passes to the 44th Jewish Film Fest!

Use code HILLS44 and enjoy films, talks, and events at the action-packed fest July 18–August 4.

Six HUGE reasons to become a 48hills member today

Fearless reporting, unparalleled local arts coverage, Best of the Bay... We're not just a pretty face. Join us!

Police violence on campuses must end

Calling in over-militarized state forces to repress non-violent student protests against the war on Gaza is not a solution.
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