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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Tagged with: ABAG

Why the critical housing bond died

No statewide leadership, no strategy, foolish errors—the 'moderates' bungled one of the most important housing proposals in decades.

Real estate industry seeks state bill to take advantage of key affordable housing bond

Wicks measure could override local requirements, make higher profits for private developers.

Breed’s allegiance to the Yimby movement is hurting her political future

Some of her Big Tech allies have abandoned her—and now the neighborhoods are unhappy too.

Why the Wiener housing bills will never work—and could destroy the coast. A detailed primer

An economist explains the reality of the housing market, economic inequality, developer profits, and threats to the environment.

Breed’s ABAG rep doesn’t live in San Francisco

Sonja Trauss, appointee to policy agency, is now registered to vote in Oakland.

Lawsuit seeks to block Plan Bay Area 2050—and prevent gentrification

Petition argues that the sweeping regional planning proposal would displace tens of thousands of vulnerable residents in the name of more high-end development.

ABAG’s regional housing plan is a fantasy

The affordable housing won't get built, developers will get rich, and low-income communities will be devastated.

Growth machine wins big in Berkeley

Mayor who ran as a progressive sides with developer-friendly plan for Adeline Corridor.

The mystery of Newsom’s 3.5 million housing units shortage

The data shows that the figure the governor still uses to justify his policies is just wrong.

The Agenda: State housing battle plays out before SF supes

Mar wants ABAG to recognize that SF has already approved more luxury housing that it needs.