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Thursday, March 20, 2025

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Tagged with: Campaign Finance

Big donor supports GOP Senate campaign, Lindsey Graham … and Jessica Ho, Sonja Trauss, and Christine Johnson

In the wake of the horrifying Kavanaugh hearings, it seems likely most San Franciscans are hoping that the GOP loses control of both the...

The Prop. C job-loss myth …

The Chamber of Commerce, the cops, and some big tech companies are attacking Prop. C, which would tax a small number of companies to...

‘Dark Money’ explores the terrible consequences of Citizens United

MOVIES When Kimberly Reed first heard about Citizens United, the 2010 Supreme Court decision that determined corporations were people and money was speech, allowing...

OPINION: The best sort of democracy for San Francisco

Calvin Welch has been a dedicated housing activist and progressive leader for decades, but we have consistently disagreed with him about Ranked Choice Voting...

Profiles in corruption: How telecoms control the state Legislature

The last couple of weeks have not been good ones for those who see communications as a social justice issue. The 2015 Open Internet Order,...

Down to the wire, the race gets even nastier

It’s getting even nastier as we head to the final day. Over the weekend, a new superPAC, called SF Workforce Housing Alliance, spent $4,000 on...

Campaign trail: Leno, Kim issue joint endorsement ad …

For the first time in history, two major San Francisco mayoral candidates are running a serious, all-out ranked-choice voting strategy—and the outcome of the...

Conway urges donors to back Breed through IE

Plutocrat Ron Conway, despite his denials, is taken a major role in the SF mayor’s race. In an April 10 email, a copy of which...

Will SF supes oppose Wiener’s real-estate bill?

THE AGENDA The Board of Supes will vote Tuesday/3 on a watered-down resolution kinda, sorta, opposing state Sen. Scott Wiener’s latest real-estate bill, SB...

Ethics, supes in showdown over reforms

The San Francisco Ethics Commission could be facing a showdown with the Board of Supes in the next two weeks over a detailed, complex...