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Monday, March 17, 2025

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Tagged with: Cars

The Agenda: Taxing Uber and Lyft …

THE AGENDA There’s not a lot going on at City Hall this week; everyone seems to be too busy campaigning. But Sup. Aaron Peskin...

Yimbyism and the cruel irony of metropolitan history

The sense of housing crisis is nearly everywhere. Debates about housing policy are heating up, turning once arcane fields into the subject of fevered...

Rapping the ‘Housing Crisis’

ALL EARS "With the passing of Ed Lee, I think we’re at a crossroads in terms of the future of housing in this city,...

First mayoral debate has no winners and too much agreement

The first mayoral debate of the spring had no clear winners or losers; in fact, none of the candidates stood out as dramatically different...

Growing chorus agrees Gascon bungled the Zarate case

Nobody’s surprised that the rightwingosphere has gone batshit over the Garcia Zarate verdict. We knew this would happen. From the first day of jury...

Always, forced to move

The rubber sides of the boat were like arms – thick, round, hard. “These are the boats refugees have to travel through, men...

Cannabis (again), sidewalk robots (again) and a bad housing balance (again)

We are back this week to cannabis. The SF supes were unable to decide how to handle the new industry last meeting. There’s pressure from...

Steinle killing was an accident, defense witness suggests

The bullet that killed Kate Steinle was probably fired from someone in a sitting position leaning forward, a defense firearms expert testified today in...

OPINION: The case against Tasers

On Friday, November 3, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall the San Francisco Police Commission will be holding its last public hearing on...

Federal agent says it was safe to leave unsecured gun in his car

The federal agent whose gun fired the bullet that killed Kate Steinle was in court today, and in the course of a couple of...