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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Tagged with: Chamber of Commerce

Another big-money anti-tax front group emerges in SF

The Chamber of Commerce and GOP donors have created Fed UP SF to attack progressive taxes.

The big GOP and real-estate money moves into District One

Fake tenants group and big outside cash is now trying to promote Philhour over Chan in a race that could determine the balance of power on the board.

GOP-linked big money attacks progressive candidates and taxes in SF

Millions in PAC money from the 1 percent -- and big Mitch McConnell backer -- floods into San Francisco for last-minute hit pieces.

Epic Sacramento showdown over looming eviction tsunami

In an important State Capitol legislative shift, on Thursday Berkeley Assemblymember Nancy Skinner agreed to amend her controversial housing bill, AB1085. She said she will...

The misleading reports (and reporting) on Prop. E

I was around in 1986, when the San Francisco Chronicle, along with most of the political power structure of the city, argued that Proposition...

Downtown prepares attack on jobs-housing measure

The Chamber of Commerce will apparently be leading the opposition to Prop. E, the measure that would link office growth to housing– and the...

KQED says 48 Hills is a story of the decade

KQED released a beautifully designed, memory-triggering package yesterday called "Our Turbulent Decade." It's an in-depth, year-by-year look some of the most impactful events and...

A nonprofit alliance becomes an ally of Big Telecom

It's not unusual for businesses to spend princely sums lobbying government to free them from regulations, which generally means consumer protections are reduced or...

Massive new development would transform Dogpatch area

The SF Planning Commission will consider Thursday/5 the first steps toward approving a massive new development in Dogpatch, one of the biggest single projects...

The Trump supporters who opposed Rose Pak Chinatown Station

The most remarkable thing about the close vote to name the Central Subway’s Chinatown Station after Rose Pak was how little the opposition had...