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Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Tagged with: Corruption

Heated moments

SCREEN GRABS Filmmaking in the Philippines hit a first "golden age" in the years after World War II. That was followed by a 1960s...

Now look here

SCREEN GRABS You may not have noticed it, but foreign films have grown increasingly scarce on American movie screens. In San Francisco this is...

Splendido Dino

SCREEN GRABS Comedy is seldom universal, and Italian comedy is as culturally specific as any strain of humor. Yet for a while, Italian screen...

Willie Brown and the problem with corruption

There is, at this point, no smoking gun to implicate Ed Lee in any illegal behavior related to the Shrimp Boy case. But the...

Lit: A reluctant sleuth searches for the heart of SF

LIT A reluctant sleuth who can’t keep his shoelaces tied as he probes the streets of San Francisco, Bill Haywood is a reporter for...

Fierce resistance to save the Earth from Trump

People are resisting Trump. They won’t accept his divisive, reckless, rapacious brand of politics and they’re fighting back. That’s what I’ve seen on the...

3rd i opens up

SCREEN GRABS The oldest and largest media arts organization of its type in the US, 3rd i Films launches its 14th annual San Francisco...

Fake accounts and accountability: Wells Fargo and the public hospital

In late 2015, a sign mysteriously appeared on the outside of San Francisco General Hospital dubbing the area in front of the main entrance...

The Chron decides Jane Kim’s love life is big news

A day after Supervisor Jane Kim spoke to a packed auditorium full of supporters about housing and transportation policy, the Chronicle (which ignored the...

Supes vote to protect arts space after some disingenuous whining

The Board of Supes put a measure to protect artist workspace and blue-collar jobs on the ballot yesterday after a long discussion about why...