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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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Tagged with: Crossroads

Brat, but Charli XCX wouldn’t let us cover it, so here’s our thoughts anyway

Her Sweat tour stop at Chase Center looked like a lot of fun—too bad the local queer press was stuck in the cold.

Ficks’ Picks: Dive into the experimental bounty of CROSSROADS 2024

SF Cinematheque's annual celebration of artful shorts features 68 filmmakers from 19 countries. Here's our top 10 guide.

Life ends at 30? It’s complicated (and very Gen X) in ‘tick, tick… BOOM!’

Jonathan Larson's musical, which itself is turning 30, documents an artist's frustrations at a transitional age.

Oscar who? Ficks’ Picks fave flicks from last year, part one

Oakland pride 'Earth Mama,' 'Asteroid City,' and the BTS of 'Nope' are among films walking away with our statuettes.

Jasmine Milan: Best of the Bay 2023 Editors’ Pick

Standout Oakland actress shines light on stories of Black and queer liberation—and even crafts dreamy costuming.

Screen Grabs: French treats, from classic bon-bons to epic Bonaparte

Ridley Scott and Joaquin Phoenix take on the Mad Emperor, and 'The French Had a Name for It' revives several gems

How the B-52’s 1982 EP ‘Mesopotamia’ became a Black radio lodestar

Detroit DJs from The Electrifying Mojo to Theo Parrish have kept band's techno precursor hot.

Screen Grabs: Getting warm and fuzzy over ‘Terminator 2’ and ‘Aliens’

Plus: Recalling the erotic thriller craze, creepy 'Good Boy,' terrifying 'Klondike,' cute 'Aristotle and Dante,' more

Eyeing the bounty of experimental films at CROSSROADS 2023

SF Cinematheque's 14th installment promises alchemical techniques, diabolical creations, frenetic explosions of color

The Hunters Point Shipyard: Art survives amid toxic waste

Part II: As artists move into the former base, the level of contamination reaches the point where 'if it can't be cleaned, stay the hell out.'