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Thursday, January 16, 2025

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Tagged with: David Chiu

The first salvo in the mayor’s race is a superPAC attack ad

If the first political ad of the 2018 mayor’s race is any indication, this is going to get ugly, fast. The ad put out by...

How we beat Airbnb

San Francisco has set another first in the annals of the tech economy: a 50% reduction in the number of Airbnb listings for the...

The Agenda: Ron Conway gets his way

Two of the leading candidates for mayor told me this week that they think something went very wrong with the Planning Department’s decision to...

Ed Lee’s development legacy and the end of ‘balanced growth’

There is one defining fact about Ed Lee's years as mayor that has been missed in all that has been written about his legacy:...

The Agenda, Jan 8-16: A critical rent-control vote, and the power struggle at City Hall

The most important and dramatic change in state rent control law in 20 years is up for its first hearing at a state Assembly...

What the new mayor’s race poll really shows

The first poll on the 2018 mayor’s race offers some surprises – and a lot of information that is really not surprising. I’ve obtained a...

Some sunshine for the mayor-go-round

If we can say anything about the process for choosing the person who will run San Francisco’s executive branch for the next five months,...

The next mayor may serve for 10 years. And candidates have 27 days to decide

It was very strange to go to the Board of Supes Question Time today and not see Ed Lee. I’ve concluded that under Lee, the...

Lee’s death shocks the city

Mayor Ed Lee’s death last night shocked the city. He was relatively young, had no apparent health issues, and showed no signs of slowing...

No questions for Ed Lee? What has happened to the idea of robust debate?

Mayor Ed Lee appears before the Board of Supes Tuesday/12 for Question Time, but according to the agenda, no supervisor from an even-numbered district...