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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Tagged with: Developers

The real facts about the affordable housing debate

  A heated debate has raged around City Hall since last June, when voters raised the affordable housing requirements on private developers to 25 percent....

The shape of the housing battle to come

You could see the shape of the next big housing battle at today’s Planning Commission hearing, where Sups. Ahsha Safai, London Breed, Jane Kim,...

The Agenda, March 13-19: The next big housing battle

Two competing plans for affordable housing come before the Planning Commission Thursday/16, and they reflect the new politics of the Board of Supes and...

The Agenda, March 6-12: The next front in the anti-Trump resistance

The looming train wreck that is the San Francisco budget will start to take shape this week when the supes Budget and Finance Committee...

Alternative facts and the mayor’s housing plan

Mayor Ed Lee two weeks ago launched a new effort to bring about "affordable" housing opportunities for San Franciscans by proposing, as he did...

YIMBYs, Smart Growth — and unanswered questions

On February 1 I flew to St. Louis for the  New Partners for Smart Growth conference, the largest gathering dedicated to dense, transit-oriented/walkable/bikeable development...

Why SF’s City Planning Department doesn’t get it

  There is no designated Sociologist position on the 200+ staff of San Francisco’s City Planning Department. And a bachelor/masters degree in Urban Planning can...

The agenda: What’s ‘divisive’?

I keep hearing the same song from one side of San Francisco’s Democratic Party, and it goes like this: We are all Democrats here, and...

A stunning lack of reality at Mayor Lee’s State of the City

An upbeat Mayor Ed Lee delivered a State of the City address at the old Hibernia Bank Building today that sounded like a re-election...

Defending us from Trumpism? Jerry Brown is no help

At the heart of the appeal of Trump's successful campaign message was (is) the accusation that the leadership of the Democratic party was (is)...