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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Tagged with: Divisive

Mayor’s allies push through divisive budget plan

The San Francisco budget blew up this week as moderate allies of Mayor Ed Lee pushed through a plan without progressive support. Late this afternoon,...

The agenda: What’s ‘divisive’?

I keep hearing the same song from one side of San Francisco’s Democratic Party, and it goes like this: We are all Democrats here, and...

Nothing like this has ever happened before

The scenes from around the world were stunning. I had expected a large turnout – something on the order of the spring protests against...

Fierce resistance to save the Earth from Trump

People are resisting Trump. They won’t accept his divisive, reckless, rapacious brand of politics and they’re fighting back. That’s what I’ve seen on the...

The Agenda, Inauguration Week: How and where to protest Trump

I first heard about Aeon Magazine on the Freakonomics radio show, when the host, Stephen Dubner, interviewed these two historians about the importance of...

The Oakland fire spurs crackdown on arts spaces

The tragedy of the Ghost Ship fire is already leading to a crackdown on underground arts spaces, where thousands of Bay Area artists and...

How we beat the real estate industry

As we assess the implications of last week’s elections, it is worth considering two clear wins for progressives and for the tenant movement in...

Dramatic vote could slow Mission development

A remarkable, stunning vote happened at the Board of Supes Tuesday: By a 9-0 margin, the members agreed that a big market-rate housing project...

OPINION: Some SF ballot measures Donald Trump would love

This November, the nation will face the possibility of electing a ruthless real estate developer whose rhetoric is filled with reactionary outbursts, misogyny, racism,...

Who is moving into — and out of — SF?

Everywhere in San Francisco today, people are talking about the housing crisis. You can’t turn on the radio or read the news or see...