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Sunday, March 16, 2025

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Tagged with: Jerry Brown

Conservatorship: The new ‘ugly laws’

“This (conservatorship law) sounds like slavery to me,” Memphis, houseless poverty skola reporter for POOR Magazine’s RoofLESS radio, reported after a terrifying town hall on...

The reality about Nancy Pelosi …

When Nancy Pelosi became speaker of the House in 2007, Washington news media started calling me. The right wing was going nuts; Pelosi, they...

Cannabis: Can we bring back compassionate care?

PUFF Late in September, Governor Jerry Brown vetoed three marijuana bills meant to begin the shifting process of correcting some of the needs left by...

RIP Tamale Lady, savior of a tipsy generation

I remember her most on the Eagle patio, where she singlehandedly rescued a generation (or two) of leatherfolk from succumbing to the afternoon-long beer...

Brown, Bloomberg (and their agenda) face protests at Climate Action Summit

As Governor Jerry Brown and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg opened the Global Climate Action Summit Thursday, they were greeted by hundreds...

The Climate Change Agenda for the week

More than 30,000 people marched for climate justice in San Francisco Saturday – and that was just the start of a series of events...

Climate-change denial, right here in California

 “In California, facts and science still matter,” said Gov. Jerry Brown in a prepared statement. “These findings are profoundly serious and will continue to...

A people’s climate summit

This September, community, political, and business leaders from around the globe will be meeting in San Francisco for the Global Climate Action Summit to discuss...

Prop. C will define progressive politics in SF

The most important measure to address homelessness in San Francisco in years now has a ballot designation: It’s Proposition C. And on the state level,...

Why can’t we fix the DMV?

State Assemblymember Phil Ting is taking on an issue that has pretty much everyone in California angry right now – the lines at the...