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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Tagged with: Josh Arce

Latest person caught up in scandal was a major political player

Another major player in San Francisco politics in in serious trouble in the ever-widening City Hall scandal. Rodrigo Santos, an ally of former mayors Willie...

The Agenda, Nov. 28-Dec. 4: An honest tenant scorecard

There are lies and misleading statements in every election, and San Francisco has seen its share. But this fall’s contests featured a particularly painful...

Now, more than ever, San Francisco matters

Eight years ago, I rode home from Election Night parties on my bicycle and had to stop, over and over, because people were out...

Tech money and soda money

I just got a Facebook ad promoting Josh Arce for supervisor in District Nine. I suspect if you live in D1, D9, or D11...

Why tech money wants to rule SF

There’s a huge amount of money going into the campaign against the four measures that I call “Definitely Helps Limit the Mayor,” Props. D,...

The sleaze reaches high tide in SF election

The level of sleaze in the local elections has reached the level where it’s threatening to swamp us all; some of the district supe...

Community, labor leaders protest scary Big Tech dark money

The flood of sleazy dark money coming into Districts 1 and 11 got the attention of labor leaders and community activists, who met on...

Police union helps pay for Arce literature

Guess who is funding those brand-new Josh Arce for supervisor signs and fliers that we’re seeing in District 9? The cops, Dede Wilsey, and mega...

Following the big tech and real estate money in D11 and D9

  It’s getting more and more complicated to Follow the Money in San Francisco, particularly when so many campaigns are making so many misleading statements...

The bizarre case of Josh Arce’s gumshoes

If the San Francisco election wasn’t strange enough already, it just took a dive off the political deep end. Check this out: In District 9,...