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Sunday, February 23, 2025

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Tagged with: Journalism

Fuck you and your toxic masculinity, Mr. President

I woke up this morning and saw that the Internet was buzzing with yet another one of your tweets, Mr. President. Like most other...

Surfing the docs

SCREEN GRABS This is a moment when the notion of watching documentaries sounds like mandatory homework: The world is falling apart, many parties would...

PG&E, with Trump’s help, could shake down SF for $600 million

San Francisco is locked in a battle with Pacific Gas and Electric Company that arises from the company’s century-old efforts to keep municipal power...

Join us for our Fourth Anniversary Spring Gala, May 3!

Join Tim Redmond and the 48 Hills team to celebrate four years of completely independent, progressive, local journalism! In this dark political time, it's...

Strange rumblings in local news media

Strange rumblings in the local news media. First SFist is bought by a right-wing outfit that is already changing the flagship Gothamist in New...

Fierce resistance to save the Earth from Trump

People are resisting Trump. They won’t accept his divisive, reckless, rapacious brand of politics and they’re fighting back. That’s what I’ve seen on the...

Gawker is dead. Who’s next?

Gawker.com, which helped redefine journalism in the era of the blogger, shut down Monday, and while much of the discussion has been around the...

Mamas fight for justice for their African sons

  Sala Haquiyah Chandler and other mothers stood outside the SF courthouse recently, waiting while the alleged murderer of her son and three other young...

The Agenda, Aug. 22-28: Sunshine for developers …

A committee of the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance Task Force ruled in favor the city Planning Department last week against a filmmaker who wanted...

John Ross book puts the rebel back in reporting

Journalism needs its outward thinkers, the ones willing to put the voices of the powerless over those of the powerful. And nobody did that...