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Sunday, March 16, 2025

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Tagged with: Malia Cohen

An SF city bank is not only possible — it’s a great idea, budget analyst concludes

San Francisco faces no legal obstacles and no significant policy problems with creating a municipal bank, a recent report from the city’s budget and...

Unlikely coalition demands better cannabis law

A press event on the steps of City Hall brought together an unlikely coalition of San Francisco politicians to speak out against recent developments...

Supes approve ‘chop shop’ bill, which will do nothing to stop bike theft

The Board of Supes voted today to allow civilian employees of the city to seize without a warrant bicycles and bike parts that are...

The Agenda: Tasers, traffic, and cannabis

The San Francisco Police Department hasn’t by any means given up on getting Tasers — apparently, Chief William Scott is a big fan of...

Bayview tenants get eviction reprieve

The Bayview tenants who are facing eviction because a landlord illegally built their units got a reprieve today when the Planning Commission voted unanimously...

Supes rebuke Planning Commission

The Board of Supes rejected a hotel project on Hyde Street today, sending a clear message that a residential building where tenants have been...

15 tenants face unusual eviction in Bayview

John Brown walks slowly up to his second-floor apartment, but he doesn’t ask for help. The 68-year-old Vietnam Vet and former firefighter is happy...

The Agenda, July 24-30: Undemocratic voting, municipal broadband …

The bill that would limit citizen initiatives against development is now in the state Senate, and will be heard in committee in August. The...

Cohen moves to sideline opposition to ‘profoundly undemocratic’ state law

Sup. Malia Cohen, unexpectedly and at the last moments of yesterday’s Board of Supes meeting, announced that she wanted to delay consideration of a...