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Thursday, March 20, 2025

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Tagged with: Market Street

Drag legend Terence Alan Smith takes center stage in ‘The Beauty President’

As Joan Jett Blakk, the performer made two historic runs for president. A new short film asks what could have been.

Facebook’s housing echo chamber

Zuckerberg money funds news outlets that repeat Zuckerberg group's supply-side position on the housing crisis.

Gig drivers demand better safety gear

Uber keeps getting richer -- but drivers say they lack masks, cleaning equipment.

‘You’ve got to draw the buttons!’ Cartoonist Justin Hall spotlights local LGBTQ history on Market Street

'Marching Toward Pride' series brings to life seminal queer moments leading to 1970 celebration.

Taxi drivers, disability-rights advocates oppose new Market St. traffic plan

Plus: UC Regents vote on huge new project -- and Willie Brown's Chronicle column will quietly disappear. That's The Agenda for Jan 19-26

UCLA professors respond on housing

Zelda Bronstein, in her December 13 article, calls us hypocrites. Specifically, she says that we said one thing in an article for Urban Studies,...

Remembering Bambi Lake, a San Francisco underground icon

The transgender singer and trailblazer, who died last week, definitely lived a life out loud.

Labor celebrates Biden win …

... but activists worry about his priorities.

Protesters face off with cops after driving white supremacists away

Tiny number of Trumpites get nowhere as hundreds of anti-fascist demonstrators show up.

Big real estate escapes $360 million in annual SF taxes

SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: Owners of 55 local buildings (including Donald Trump) use Prop. 13 to save millions in taxes that could go to schools and city services.