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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Tagged with: Media

Breaking: New dramatic details in Mission police shooting

Since Saturday, the San Francisco police have told the news media and the community almost nothing about the officer-involved shooting at 23rdand Mission. Even...

Screen Grabs: Fake news from Clint Eastwood and Imelda Marcos

As impeachment proceedings move forward, suggesting there might yet be room for truth in politics after all, the week’s major new commercial arrival (apart...

KQED says 48 Hills is a story of the decade

KQED released a beautifully designed, memory-triggering package yesterday called "Our Turbulent Decade." It's an in-depth, year-by-year look some of the most impactful events and...

Foreign Correspondent: What’s next for Bolivia after military coup?

In 2005, I sat in a lounge off the Senate chamber in La Paz, Bolivia, waiting for an interview. I was wearing my best...

Life before dot-com: Two exhibitions explore the not-so-distant past of SF

San Francisco has tended to be defined by its high profile cultural moments and movements, from the libertine Barbary Coast era to the Beats,...

A nonprofit alliance becomes an ally of Big Telecom

It's not unusual for businesses to spend princely sums lobbying government to free them from regulations, which generally means consumer protections are reduced or...

Screen Grabs: Escape your family at the movies

Apparently obeying the logic that audiences will be sufficiently occupied with such recent popular entries as Frozen 2 or Ford v Ferrari—if they aren’t simply...

Should a developer lawyer be on the Planning Commission?

For the first time in at least my 37 years of covering city politics – and possibly much longer – a lawyer who has...

Already, Chesa Boudin is getting attacked in the press

Chesa Boudin has not taken the oath of office. He won’t be sworn in as San Francisco’s district attorney until January. He has taken...

Screen Grabs: Two major docs on devastating scandals

Equal parts entertaining and discomfiting, the two major documentaries opening at local theaters this week are both likely to make you mad. Not at...