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Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Tagged with: New York Times

The agenda, Aug. 29-Sept 4: What if Ed Lee decides to step down …

It's the week before Labor Day, and the fall campaigns are moving into high speed, and I look around at the state of San...

Gawker is dead. Who’s next?

Gawker.com, which helped redefine journalism in the era of the blogger, shut down Monday, and while much of the discussion has been around the...

The Agenda, Aug15-21: The DCCC, Republican donors, and the supes races …

I am intrigued that a New York Times columnist is startled at the lack of growth in much of the world and the resulting...

Homelessness: the media’s big problem

These are some of the headlines we saw in the San Francisco Chronicle this past year: “San Francisco’s summer of urine and drug-addicted homeless.” “Amid rising...

SF Latino, LGBT communities march in solidarity for Orlando

Along the sidelines, observers cried, applauded, threw the peace sign, and waved rainbow flags. But the mood among the hundreds of marchers who took...

Nimbys, SFBARF, and a clueless writer at the NY Times

The easy thing to do is just try to ignore the likes of SFBARF and hope they will go away. But they don’t, and...

Liberals — except when it comes home

My old boss, Bruce Brugmann, who ran the Bay Guardian, told me early on in my career that you could tell the real politics...

Join us for the third annual 48 Hills Gala!

You are cordially invited to the third annual 48 HILLS ANNIVERSARY GALA Thursday, April 21, 2016, 6pm-9pm at The Starlight Room on the 21st Floor...

“Like watching your parents have sex”

ART LOOKS I harbor a sick love for art fairs and have been known to travel across the country on my own dime to...

Mexico City: The fallacy of ‘cheap’

MEXICO CITY, MEX. — The massive secondhand clothes market that lies on the edge of Mercado de Pino Suárez in the Centro Histórico neighborhood...