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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Tagged with: News Media

Cohen moves to sideline opposition to ‘profoundly undemocratic’ state law

Sup. Malia Cohen, unexpectedly and at the last moments of yesterday’s Board of Supes meeting, announced that she wanted to delay consideration of a...

The Agenda, July 10-16: A landlord attack on ballot initiatives …

A landlord-sponsored bill that would make it harder for local residents to pass growth-control ballot measures – and would have a huge impact in...

Should Uber be shut down?

Everyone’s talking about Uber’s latest problems with management style, sexual harassment, company culture … and CEO Travis Kalanick, who embodied all of that, has...

Can we actually solve homelessness?

I told Audrey Cooper, the editor of the Chronicle, that 48hills would once again participate in the ongoing media series on homelessness in San...

Why can Uber and Lyft use city streets for free?

When San Francisco news media reported on a blockbuster study showing the impacts of Uber and Lyft on San Francisco transportation and traffic, Sup....

A crackling evening of AGITPROP!

SCREEN GRABS The National Endowment for the Arts and PBS seem headed for budgetary doom under President Trump, although not because they’re costly and...

Strange rumblings in local news media

Strange rumblings in the local news media. First SFist is bought by a right-wing outfit that is already changing the flagship Gothamist in New...

Lit: A reluctant sleuth searches for the heart of SF

LIT A reluctant sleuth who can’t keep his shoelaces tied as he probes the streets of San Francisco, Bill Haywood is a reporter for...

The Agenda: LGBT history, high insurance rates, the leaning tower of Soma …

Phil Burton, the legendary politician who created the Golden Gate National Recreation Era and helped define the modern US Congress, lost his first race...

The Agenda, Jan 23-30: Trump and the media, SROs and Central SoMa

You have to give the New York Times credit: The front-page headline Sunday/21 reads “Slamming media, Trump advances two falsehoods.” The story makes clear...