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Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Tagged with: Obama

Party Radar: Without Borders

PARTY RADAR Young people often ask me, an Ancient One, if living under Trump is what it felt like living under Bush. That's a...

Singing ‘The Source’

(Improvised Explosive) Device Explosion Report, Baghdad Police Ops: 2 civilians killed in action/3 civilians wounded in action ... Classification: Secret, August 10, 2008 ......

Resist Trump — dump Ford (and ignore the Super Bowl hype)

San Francisco and the Bay Area remain a bellwether for progressive human rights, peace, labor, and environmental values. Just about everyone in San Francisco...

Nothing like this has ever happened before

The scenes from around the world were stunning. I had expected a large turnout – something on the order of the spring protests against...

‘And so begins the resistance’

“And so begins the resistance,” Tom Temprano, a newly elected member of the Community College Board, told me. We were standing in the pouring rain,...

The Agenda, Inauguration Week: How and where to protest Trump

I first heard about Aeon Magazine on the Freakonomics radio show, when the host, Stephen Dubner, interviewed these two historians about the importance of...

Obama, the rich, and fair taxes

There are two things I took away from President Obama’s final address. Well, three. First, it demonstrated once again what it’s like to have a...

Trump means war. Let’s not forget that

On Saturday afternoon, January 7, 2017, I attended an indoor rally entitled United Against Trump at the Women’s Building in San Francisco. The room...

The Media Homeless Project: Is it working?

Back in June, at the instigation of Chronicle Editor Audrey Cooper, more than 70 media organizations put out hundreds of stories on the homeless...

Will SF destroy a stunning piece of LGBT history?

The Planning Commission will consider Thursday/17 a large hotel and housing project in the Tenderloin that would create 242 new market-rate housing units and...