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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Tagged with: Parking

Doormat Division, Week 16: Garoppoloco and the wrong-way Whiners

DOORMAT DIVISION STANDINGS, WEEK 16 NFC                                   W-L      ...

Rich homeowners win one — but why is this even an issue?

It’s fair to ask whether a group of people who don’t live in Presidio Terrace, who aren’t wealthy neighbors of Dianne Feinstein and Nancy...

Always, forced to move

The rubber sides of the boat were like arms – thick, round, hard. “These are the boats refugees have to travel through, men...

Cannabis (again), sidewalk robots (again) and a bad housing balance (again)

We are back this week to cannabis. The SF supes were unable to decide how to handle the new industry last meeting. There’s pressure from...

The story of SF’s hidden monument to WWI

This year is the 100-year anniversary of the entry of the United States into World War I. It is also the 100-year anniversary of...

The Agenda: Tasers, cannabis, and homeless deaths…

The Zarate trial, and the history of the weapon that fired the fatal bullet that killed Kate Steinle, got me thinking about who gets...

Federal agent says it was safe to leave unsecured gun in his car

The federal agent whose gun fired the bullet that killed Kate Steinle was in court today, and in the course of a couple of...

If PG&E caused the fires, it wouldn’t be the first time

Let us consider, for a moment, the cause of the fires that have devastated the North Bay and Wine Country. The conditions were clearly ripe...

The Agenda, Oct. 1-8: Big changes at Ocean Beach …

The San Francisco Police Commission pulled a discussion of Tasers off the agenda last week — just as an Oakland man died after being...

Assault on local control equals deregulation of housing

"Democrats have a comprehensive agenda to invest in America's cities, grounded on the premise that local leaders are best equipped to create a better...