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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

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Tagged with: Parks

State Legislature moving to give telecom companies immense power

Bills would block any local control over placement of cell towers and antennas -- and it's passing with almost no opposition.

Money for ‘safe sleeping’ sites — or permanent supportive housing?

Legislation by Sup. Rafael Mandelman aims to get people off the streets -- but homeless advocates are not supporting it. That's The Agenda for April 18-25

Letter to the Editor: ‘I have so many questions’ about nightlife after COVID

SF culture took a massive hit pre-pandemic, a reader writes. Can we let history guide us to better times?

There’s a lot more to the GG Park debate than cars v. bikes

This is part of a huge discussion the city needs to have about transportation -- and equity -- in a post-COVID world.

Is art free speech under COVID? A local court case steams on

Ongoing San Francisco International Arts Festival lawsuit demands that arts reopen in parity with worship and dining.

More parks privatization: The horses of Golden Gate Park

Private vendor takes over public space for high-priced concession -- and workers get to live in trailers in the park (while homeless people are kicked out).

Homeless people lack access to water

People on SF's streets can't even access the UN's minimum requirements for potable water, new report shows.

The lessons of the Ferris Wheel

Does SF need to overhaul its City Charter to create better departmental oversight -- and limit the potential for corruption?

Oversight — of Recology, the Ferris Wheel deal ….

... and commercial landlords. Plus the Chron's neo-liberal editorial page editor retires. That's The Agenda for March 15-22.

The Ferris Wheel is about a lot more than some rides in the air

Chan, Peskin say any contract needs a vote of the board. The bigger issue is privatizing the parks.