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Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Tagged with: PG&E

Who’s to ‘blame’ for our failures to respond to this crisis?

Politico recently put out an email blast asking “who’s to blame” for the COVID pandemic: The Olympics Games are postponed, but the Coronavirus Blame Games are...

Bayview Hunters Point tests its air

Although no rain fell in San Francisco in February for the first time since 1878, Dalila Adofo and Anthony Khalil of Greenaction have another...

Stopping evictions and price-gouging in the coronavirus crisis

Sup. Dean Preston is calling for a moratorium on all evictions in San Francisco during the coronavirus outbreak. And District Attorney Chesa Boudin has...

Affordable housing is a great bargain for SF

A recent New York Times article, headlined "Why Does it Cost $750,000 to Build Affordable Housing in San Francisco," continues the Gray Lady's endless...

What did Breed’s Nuru announcement really mean?

It’s taken a couple of days, but the local news media have mostly come around to the fact that the real news Friday was...

A culture of corruption at City Hall

I was in a taxi the night that the feds announced they had arrested DPW director Mohammed Nuru, and the driver wanted to talk...

Why so little state money for housing?

Gov. Gavin Newsom is proposing the biggest budget in state history, $220 billion,which is a huge number, and it shows that Newsom, unlike his...

Forget SB 50 — San Francisco needs a bold plan for social housing

State Senator Scott Wiener has reintroduced his housing bill, SB 50, which seeks to alleviate the housing crisis by forcing more density around transit corridors. But...

Bingeing on dystopia: The politico-cultural decade in review

Gore Vidal once remarked that the three saddest words in the English language were “Joyce Carol Oates,” but from the vantage point of late...

Where the air is never spared

“Do the right thing,” Marie Harrison admonished the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in June, 2018. “You know it’s not safe yet.” Harrison was accepting...