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Saturday, March 15, 2025

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Tagged with: police reform

Supes panel declines to reject police contract

Deal that committee members agree is deeply flawed will move forward to full board.

Major police reform item at supes committee Thursday

Should the city give raises to the POA without any new accountability?

Wiener tries to look progressive in debate

But that requires a bit of historical revisionism, since his record has always been very moderate on police, housing, and homelessness.

The money—and endorsements—in District Five

One of the most interesting elements of the D5 supervisorial campaign is challenger Vallie Brown’s website. Check out the tab that says “endorsements.” Most people...

Some defining issues in the fall supes race

The San Francisco Democratic Party will vote on endorsements for the Board of Supes Wednesday/22, and while the party nod doesn’t always mean victory,...

On Juneteenth, Black leaders detail lingering obstacles to change

On June 19, 1865, over two years after the Emancipation Proclamation, Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger of the Union Army arrived in Galveston and issued...

Generations of activism: Checking in with Cleve Jones

The LGBTQ community has already survived the tragic loss of Harvey Milk, the deaths of hundreds of thousands during the AIDS pandemic, and decades...

Supes reject Police Commission nominee, approve tenant protections

The Board of Supes rejected one of Mayor Breed’s Police Commission nominations and the other withdrew, sending a clear message to the mayor that...

Breed’s choices on cops and homeless face challenges

The full Board of Supes will decide Tuesday/8 whether to reject Mayor London Breed’s two nominees to the Police Commission. The vote will come as...

Big money from the cops is becoming politically toxic

One of the positive results of the past week of in-the-streets outrage is the increased focus on politicians who take money from law-enforcement organizations...