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Saturday, March 15, 2025

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Tagged with: police reform

Supes panel rejects Breed’s Police Commission picks

With the ongoing outrage over police shootings as a backdrop, the Board of Supes Rules Committee today rejected two candidates Mayor London Breed had...

Tom Ammiano’s feisty new memoir tells all, from Milk to mayoral run

In 'Kiss My Gay Ass,' the eminent politico, activist, comedian, teacher, and personality spills the tea.

The Chron’s bizarre (but predictable) attack on Chesa Boudin

To read the San Francisco Chronicle headlines, a rather routine decision by the new district attorney to bring his own staff to leadership positions...

Bernie Day at the state Dem Convention

Sunday was Bernie Sanders Day at the state Democratic Convention. Bernie supporters packed the area outside the convention hall. Bernie signs were everywhere when he...

Eight ‘Big Ideas’ at MoveOn Forum

On Saturday afternoon, eight Democratic presidential hopefuls appeared for MoveOn’s “Big Ideas Forum” in San Francisco. Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Cory Booker, Congressman Beto O’Rourke,...

Court to hear arguments on police raid of reporters house

The fate of the property of journalist Bryan Carmody – and the role of the local courts in allowing a clearly illegal search warrant...

The Patty Hearst kidnapping and the rise of community-based organizations in SF

UPDATED, see the end. The 1974 kidnapping of Patricia “Patty” Hearst, granddaughter of the founder of the Hearst media empire, was a dramatic chapter in...

Police-reform advocates push Assembly bill to restrict shootings

Nine hundred ninety-eight. That’s how many people were shot and killed by police in the US in 2018. And 115 of those were in...

OPINION: The best sort of democracy for San Francisco

Calvin Welch has been a dedicated housing activist and progressive leader for decades, but we have consistently disagreed with him about Ranked Choice Voting...

Police accountability groups make POA contract an issue for supes, Farrell

Labor battles in San Francisco are typically about wages, benefits, and staffing. In tough years, City Hall tries to make cuts, and the unions...