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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Tagged with: Pollution

Two big (and environmentally awful) projects — and a step toward saving the Mission

The India Basin environmental impact report, which was more-or-less rejected by the supes two weeks ago when the local air board said the construction...

Who supports real rent control — and environmental justice in Bayview?

All 11 supervisors will have to take a public stand Tuesday/2 on Proposition 10, the statewide ballot measure that would allow cities to impose...

The utter absurdity of the Central Soma Plan EIR

The SF Board of Supervisors approved the EIR for the Central Soma Plan Tuesday, despite hours of testimony from Soma residents and activists who...

A window on the latest leather looks for Folsom

Like Macy's holiday windows, Tom and Jerry's giant Christmas toy house, or the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence's humongous Easter hats, you know an only-in-San Francisco...

Brown, Bloomberg (and their agenda) face protests at Climate Action Summit

As Governor Jerry Brown and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg opened the Global Climate Action Summit Thursday, they were greeted by hundreds...

A people’s climate summit

This September, community, political, and business leaders from around the globe will be meeting in San Francisco for the Global Climate Action Summit to discuss...

Screen Grabs: Soviet Hippies, Green Film Fest, John McEnroe

SCREEN GRABS It’s a week unusually full of documentaries, including the Roxie’s single showing next Wed/5 of Soviet Hippies—a look at countercultural resistance behind...

OPINION: How to fix the toxic Hunters Point Shipyard mess

The US Navy recently announced the first steps of its plan to re-test some contaminated soil of the Lennar Shipyard, after a faked cleanup...

Yimbyism and the cruel irony of metropolitan history

The sense of housing crisis is nearly everywhere. Debates about housing policy are heating up, turning once arcane fields into the subject of fevered...

Trump’s offshore oil plan is a hostile act by a rogue nation

We can’t overstate just how much President Trump’s offshore drilling offensive threatens the planet and its inhabitants. Not only is he inviting dirty drilling...