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Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Tagged with: Protests

A local artist honors lost Black lives, portrait by portrait

Painter Radha Mehta's series commemorating lives lost to racially motivated murder and police brutality spreads to cities around the country.

Housing advocates protest mayor’s plan to close hotels

'Closures of the SIP hotels will put thousands of people at risk of returning to the streets and hundreds of essential workers being laid off.'

Letter from Kenosha: A community under seige

A police shooting, a right-wing vigilante, military humvees, and a small town trying to heal

For Puerto Rican freedom, MaJo Montijo summons a bomba ‘Huracán’

Oakland musician fights "continuous colonial disaster," including Hurricane María aftermath, with gale-force release.

[UPDATED] Arts festival sues city in push for safe live performances—before rain comes

City revokes SF International Arts Festival permit for weekend program as arts languish amid reopenings

Foreign Correspondent: Right-wing populism will make you sick

The world’s worst outbreaks are occurring in nations with authoritarian leaders, like Trump

Screen Grabs: Visions of liberation that don’t quite live up to legends

'The Glorias' and 'I Am Woman' let subjects down, 'Native Son' gets noir revival, 'Sign of the Cross' goes over the top.

Foreign Correspondent: The turmoil in Belarus

Belarusian political activists face a difficult situation, caught between a ruthless dictator and a potential Western takeover of their country.

How did the Ocean Beach party happen—and can we prevent another incident?

Why didn't the police shut things down earlier? Sup. Stefani wants criminal investigation; Sup. Mandelman worries about Halloween

Screen Grabs: Two notorious tricksters return—as does the big screen(?)

This week sees the US release at last of what must be the most re-scheduled movie in history, Tenet. Christopher Nolan’s latest Rubik’s Cube-y...