Saturday, May 4, 2024

Tagged with: San Francisco

Supes to push for more hotel rooms for unhoused

The feds will pay for 100 percent of the cost -- so why is the Breed Administration moving so slowly?

Has the Chron even noticed that we are in a national reckoning over racism?

From the coverage of the school names changes, apparently not.

The urgency of vaccines for people with disabilities

An open letter to the mayor and the supervisors.

Screen Grabs: What do we want? Bleak, rewarding films from the former USSR!

Intense government cover-up drama Dear Comrades!, Atlantis, Beginning, and Tarkovsky's 'Mirror' restored

Arts Forecast: A peep back at psychedelic SF will raise your spirits

Plus: New local streaming channels from SFSymphony, Oasis, and SFJAZZ—and get ready for Festpocalypse

ABAG’s regional housing plan is a fantasy

The affordable housing won't get built, developers will get rich, and low-income communities will be devastated.

In Lisa Levine’s house photographs, an exploration of isolation and comfort

Alameda artist's 'Virtually No Place Like Home' series captures emblems of solitude, change, and personal identity

SF moves a big step closer to a public bank

At least six supes on board with visionary plan that has never been done in a city.

Again, the Chron pushes the Yimby agenda that will never work

But a public bank might actually make a difference. Plus: Rent relief and accountability for business districts. That's The Agenda for Jan. 24-31

A thank-you from the future to the women who built the Issei Women’s Building

Teaching Behind the Mask at Nihonmachi Little Friends school.