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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Tagged with: Scott Wiener

Wiener’s gut-and-amend tactics: Will they return with SB 50?

The date was Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2017, in Sacramento CA, when Senator Scott Wiener introduced SB 384, a bill amending the California Business...

The Democrats come to town: Convention preview

For weekend convention coverage, follow 48 Hills on Twitter: www.twitter.com/48hills and Facebook: www.facebook.com/48hills The California Democratic Party convention will take over Moscone Center this weekend – and...

Does more density bring down housing costs? Come to the debate

The biggest change to housing law in California in decades – state Sen. Scott Wiener’s AB 50– is on hold, for the moment. But...

The real lessons from the surging numbers of homeless people on the streets of SF

The biggest takeaway from the disturbing (but not surprising) new homeless-count numbers is not that there are more homeless people on the streets. We...

BREAKING: Wiener’s housing deregulation bill on hold — for now

State Senator Scott Wiener’s AB 50, which would have deregulated housing across California, was pulled from this year’s Legislative session today. Sen. Anthony Portantino, who...

New study challenges Wiener’s approach to housing

Pretty much everybody who’s paying attention to the housing crisis in San Francisco – except, apparently, the Chronicle – is talking about the new...

Uber is already undermining public transit …

Uber’s newly revealed goal of damaging public transit is already working in San Francisco, a new study shows. It comes in the wake of...

Wiener’s ‘transit-oriented development’ bill screws public transit

  State Sen. Scott Wiener is promoting his housing bill, SB 50, as an example of environmental progress, since the measure is pushing transit-oriented development...

The SF supes’ salvo against Wiener’s housing deregulation bill

The story hasn’t received much news media attention, in part because it came as no surprise, but the Board of Supes this week decided,...

The bizarre argument in favor of Wiener’s housing bill

A Board of Supes committee has passed a resolution opposing SB 50, the Scott Wiener bill that would allow a lot more market-rate housing...