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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Tagged with: Scott Wiener

The neighborhood case for Proposition 10

Vote YES to repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act (state ballot measure Proposition 10).  This state law repeal will impact the entire state. Current existing...

Gascon will step down — but who will step up?

A lot of people in the San Francisco political world were stunned when District Attorney George Gascon announced he would not be running for...

Is everyone at City Hall incompetent?

I will stipulate that the BART Station at 16thStreet is dirty. But it seems a bit of a stretch to say that because of...

Climate-change denial, right here in California

 “In California, facts and science still matter,” said Gov. Jerry Brown in a prepared statement. “These findings are profoundly serious and will continue to...

Prop. C will define progressive politics in SF

The most important measure to address homelessness in San Francisco in years now has a ballot designation: It’s Proposition C. And on the state level,...

Breed, Wiener endorse transphobic School Board candidate

A startling number of local officials, including Mayor London Breed and state Sen. Scott Wiener, have endorsed for School Board a candidate who helped...

Profiles in corruption: How telecoms control the state Legislature

The last couple of weeks have not been good ones for those who see communications as a social justice issue. The 2015 Open Internet Order,...

OPINION: What went wrong June 5 — and what we can learn

Editor’s note: Progressives who supported Mark Leno or Sup. Jane Kim are looking at the results of the election and trying to figure out...

Tech and real-estate money pours into SF mayoral race

So much money has poured into political clubs and independent expenditure committees supporting London Breed and attacking her opponents that the Ethics Commission has...

Where the mayoral candidates stood on regulating Airbnb

The Chron on Sunday published a full-page spread on “where SF candidates stand on the city’s biggest issues.” The paper, which has repeatedly reported...