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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Tagged with: Short-term rentals

Preston gets SRO elevators fixed—and rent control could be a fall campaign issue

Peskin measure before supes puts key tenant issue in the political debate. That's The Agenda for Sept. 3-8.

Breaking the law and abusing workers plays well on Wall Street

Breaking the law repeatedly, enabling thousands of evictions, ducking your taxes, overturning state labor codes, and abusing your workers seems to be a recipe...

Real-estate industry rebels at modest measure to limit corporate rentals

The real-estate industry and the San Francisco Planning Department are going crazy over a rather modest proposal by Sup. Aaron Peskin to limit corporate...

Forget SB 50 — San Francisco needs a bold plan for social housing

State Senator Scott Wiener has reintroduced his housing bill, SB 50, which seeks to alleviate the housing crisis by forcing more density around transit corridors. But...

Where the mayoral candidates stood on regulating Airbnb

The Chron on Sunday published a full-page spread on “where SF candidates stand on the city’s biggest issues.” The paper, which has repeatedly reported...

Explosive debate finally shows the candidates as they are

The best and most revealing mayoral debate so far – because it was an actual debate – took place last week at the Potrero...

EXCLUSIVE: Tenants living in squalid conditions in building owned by SF’s largest landlord

Fe Soledad’s day begins with making sure her son Vincent is ready to go to school before she heads off to work. Everything needs...

Ed Lee’s development legacy and the end of ‘balanced growth’

There is one defining fact about Ed Lee's years as mayor that has been missed in all that has been written about his legacy:...

What if the housing crisis is caused by too much growth?

The Board of Supes Land Use Committee heard the latest on the housing crisis today, in the form of data showing how far out...

15 tenants face unusual eviction in Bayview

John Brown walks slowly up to his second-floor apartment, but he doesn’t ask for help. The 68-year-old Vietnam Vet and former firefighter is happy...