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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Tagged with: Tom Ammiano

After more than a century, PG&E is finally on the ropes in San Francisco

The city's moving to establish a public-power system—but we should also talk about accountability for the politicians and media that enabled an illegal monopoly for so long.

Community honors labor hero who built connections to LGBTQ movement

Allan Baird gets recognition for the key role he played in connecting the Teamster's Union to the queer community in the 1970s.

California could vastly expand affordable broadband — if the Legislature acts now

Gov. Newsom has asked for money for expanding accessible Internet service all over the state. The Legislature is stalling.

Giants honor Tom Ammiano as Honey Mahogany sings the national anthem

Plus: Hearings start on Breed's budget -- and why is the mayor making a controversy out of parklets when everyone pretty much agrees? That's The Agenda for June 6-13

Three key takeaways from the mayor’s budget proposal

Breed is proudly proclaiming she will fight homelessness -- with money from a ballot measure that she opposed.

Tom Ammiano gets his high school varsity letter — with ESPN filming

Special sports segment will focus on a five-minute miler in 1958 who was "'too gay' to get his letter -- and an overdue apology 63 years later.

Community leaders line up to oppose attacks on DA Chesa Boudin

Records show the recall effort is backed by Big Tech, Finance, and Real-Estate (and someone who says 'VC Lives Matter.')

Oversight — of Recology, the Ferris Wheel deal ….

... and commercial landlords. Plus the Chron's neo-liberal editorial page editor retires. That's The Agenda for March 15-22.

A varsity letter at 79, a rally to free Malik ….

... plus saving homeless hotel rooms -- and should people who bought a building cleared by eviction get a financial bonus? That's The Agenda for March 1-8

So San Francisco isn’t broke. Where is the money?

What if we tried to attract artists instead of tech companies? Hearing will look at post-COIVD economy. Plus: A huge payout to victim of police abuse. That's The Agenda for Feb. 15-21