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Saturday, March 1, 2025

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Tagged with: Voters

More than a million people in SF? Did anyone ask you?

It’s hard not to be riveted by the terrifying advance of Donald Trump’s presidency. But it would be a huge mistake to ignore less...

The Agenda, Nov. 28-Dec. 4: An honest tenant scorecard

There are lies and misleading statements in every election, and San Francisco has seen its share. But this fall’s contests featured a particularly painful...

How we beat the real estate industry

As we assess the implications of last week’s elections, it is worth considering two clear wins for progressives and for the tenant movement in...

How to keep saving the planet

In response to some of the dismaying plans that may come to pass with Trump's election as president, we ask Steven T. Jones of...

‘I woke up in horror and disbelief’

MEXICO CITY -- Mexico is arguably the foreign country that has suffered the most from Trump’s callous racism throughout his campaign. In the wake of...

Now, more than ever, San Francisco matters

Eight years ago, I rode home from Election Night parties on my bicycle and had to stop, over and over, because people were out...

Election night: High turnout, nasty ads … and has the mayor killed his own homeless measures?

My polling place was crowded this morning, and I saw crowds at precincts all over the Mission. And when I voted this morning, a...

The Agenda, Election Day issue: Will Big Tech take over SF politics?

There’s not much going on in San Francisco government this week, because everyone is focused on Election Day. A few thoughts: We have no idea who...

Why won’t SFMade support Prop. X?

A seeming anomaly of San Francisco’s current election season is the opposition to Prop. X, which seeks to preserve manufacturing space in the city,...

Why tech money wants to rule SF

There’s a huge amount of money going into the campaign against the four measures that I call “Definitely Helps Limit the Mayor,” Props. D,...