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Friday, March 21, 2025

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Tagged with: Willie Brown

Why the cops get a raise without accountability

An arbitration panel has decided that the San Francisco cops don’t have to back off from their efforts to delay or block reforms and...

Leno, Kim backers adopting ranked-choice voting strategy

The established progressive leaders and organizations in San Francisco appear to be leaning toward dual endorsements of Mark Leno and Sup. Jane Kim for...

Progressive debate offers a bit of candidate clarity

What a difference two weeks and a different venue makes. The three leading candidates for mayor all said they supported, more or less, Sen. Scott...

Perhaps, a real mayoral debate

Tom Ammiano called me this morning to say he was going to dial 911. “I just realized I agree with Willie Brown,” he said. That...

Ed Lee’s development legacy and the end of ‘balanced growth’

There is one defining fact about Ed Lee's years as mayor that has been missed in all that has been written about his legacy:...

What the new mayor’s race poll really shows

The first poll on the 2018 mayor’s race offers some surprises – and a lot of information that is really not surprising. I’ve obtained a...

The next mayor may serve for 10 years. And candidates have 27 days to decide

It was very strange to go to the Board of Supes Question Time today and not see Ed Lee. I’ve concluded that under Lee, the...

Growing chorus agrees Gascon bungled the Zarate case

Nobody’s surprised that the rightwingosphere has gone batshit over the Garcia Zarate verdict. We knew this would happen. From the first day of jury...

Willie Brown and the problem with corruption

There is, at this point, no smoking gun to implicate Ed Lee in any illegal behavior related to the Shrimp Boy case. But the...