ONSTAGE After the 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech, playwright Julia Cho (Aubergine,
The Language Archive) was looking for something that would help her understand...
DANCE Dancer and choreographer Robert Moses says he’s inherently optimistic and likes a challenge. So he decided his renowned company, Robert Moses’ Kin, would...
ONSTAGE If hearing about an intimate drama with two couples—one youthful, one aging—trying to figure out their relationships automatically conjures up "Who’s Afraid of...
ONSTAGE The crowd of weary travelers staggered on stage—some in elegant jewel-toned salwar khameez and saris, some in ragged dhotis and shawls. They carried...
ONSTAGE Marga Gomez has been one of San Francisco's most beloved comedians since her time in legendary '80s Latino performance ensemble Culture Clash --...