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Saturday, May 11, 2024

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News + Politics

News + Politics

Supes discuss reparations—and disgraceful news media coverage

Some truth about the critical work of the African American Reparations Advisory Committee and its groundbreaking report

If we are going to bail out the banks, what about the flooded farmworkers?

Most of this bailout discussion is missing the point.

This land is whose land?

The developer and the city insist the Hunters Point Shipyard is safe for development. There's a lot of data that says otherwise. Part III of a series.

The city’s climate plan will cost money; will Breed support progressive taxes to pay for it?

Plus: A long-awaited hearing on the city's reparations plan—and a debate over more money for the cops. That's The Agenda for March 12-19

Opinion: A proactive vision for a flooded San Francisco

How could we change the cycle of damage? In a way, by turning back the clock.

Now SF urged to lower affordable-housing levels in market-rate projects

The mayor's housing policies make less and less sense the more you look into them.

Jenkins backs off attack on sanctuary law after massive outcry

DA, mayor figured out that this particular 'tough on crime' trope was a loser.

Breed admits that the city’s Housing Element is destined to fail

Mayor says, for the first time, that she has no plan to deliver on the state mandates for local affordable housing.

The Hunters Point Shipyard: Art survives amid toxic waste

Part II: As artists move into the former base, the level of contamination reaches the point where 'if it can't be cleaned, stay the hell out.'

Breed’s attack on the sanctuary ordinance, Jenkins’ attack on police accountability …

... plus remote public comments, the Housing Element, and a deal that limits the DA's role in police-shooting investigations. That's The Agenda for March 5-12

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