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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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News + Politics

News + Politics

48hills wins awards from state journalism group

CNPA honors us for general excellence, arts, and writing.

Planning Commission to review new Housing Element—which is based on fantasy

How do you do an environmental review of a proposal that is so far from reality that you can't take it seriously?

Will the city’s Climate Plan ever happen? Plus: Election Day, tech-worker dorms …

... and shelter politics, the cost of cops, and an embarrassing NYT story. That's The Agenda for June 6-13.

A tough-on-crime DA doesn’t translate to lower crime rates

New study compares SF, Sacramento—and finds that a more progressive approach to criminal justice is associated with lower crime rates.

It’s official: Honey Mahogany is challenging the mayor’s appointee in District 6

Campaign kickoff sets the stage for a tough campaign in a new and different district that was once a progressive stronghold.

BREAKING: New poll shows Boudin recall is a dead heat

Likely voters split 47-47; with very few undecided, it's going to be all about turnout.

Critics say the DA’s Office is run like the Public Defender’s Office. That’s not true

I work for Chesa Boudin, and I am a fair and balanced prosecutor.

Mayor’s budget: Plenty for the cops, but no more money for social housing

The plan is going to get a lot of pushback from the supes. So it's far from a done deal.

The state’s housing goals would require massive demolition and evictions in SF

Data shows that RHNA rules are just impossible without complete urban transformation. What was Wiener thinking?

From here to Cuba: Defying Biden, the Bay Area connects to island nation

The Summit of the Americas has disinvited Cuba. We went there to show solidarity and tell the story missing from the corporate media.

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