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Saturday, March 8, 2025

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Tagged with: ACLU

PHOTOS: Palo Alto’s 1400-acre Foothills Park at last opens for all

After half a century, a beautiful public space joins the options for Bay Area fitness and fresh air.

Floret Coalition: Best of the Bay 2020 Editors’ Pick

Directly addressing racism in the cannabis world by distributing funds from legalized businesses to community organizations

Screen Grabs: New films storm the barricades, in myriad ways

New movies embody the spirit of activism—and different spirits, too. Plus: American Indian and Filipino flicks, and a Woody Allen stinker.

Democrat in D7 race helps pay for Republican candidate’s mailer

Joel Engardio is on a one-two slate with right-wing GOP hopeful -- and the mayor is now endorsing both Engardio and Myrna Melgar.

Arts Forecast: More, More, More! (and more)

Autumn Moon Festival, Litquake lineup, Cal Performances at Home... and a special retrospective from a queen of SF drag.

A quiet, sweetheart deal for the cops

The Board of Supes will meet in closed session Tuesday/18 to discuss negotiations with city employee unions, and one of the issues on the...

Screen Grabs: Sentiment averse

Normally I wouldn’t bother explaining why a certain movie is not being covered in this column, but this weekend there’s a particular glut of ‘em, all...

Cannabis has a racism problem. The Floret Coalition can help.

On Thursday, hundreds of people who work in the marijuana industry gathered for a virtual event called “allyship + weed” convened by cannabis brand...

The plutonium of Artificial Intelligence could be coming to a city near you

Of all the tools of mass surveillance deployed by law enforcement, private industry and the federal government, Facial Recognition Technology poses by far the...

Big money from the cops is becoming politically toxic

One of the positive results of the past week of in-the-streets outrage is the increased focus on politicians who take money from law-enforcement organizations...