Thursday, May 2, 2024

Tagged with: Bayview

At 50, Blue Bear School of Music is just tuning up

Opening an East Bay campus, bringing back live performances, and more sweet-sounding news from the institution.

‘We feel abandoned’: Bayview protest highlights ongoing toxic waste scandal

Community demands excavation and removal of Hunters Point Naval Shipyard radioactive residue, with local oversight.

Community leaders reflect on three key Bay Area MLK speeches—and envision his dreams for 2022

Voting rights, economic opportunity, education, social justice—so much remains to be done.

UCSF’s new hospital: A pretty building, but in the wrong place

The school's plans will make one part of the city more unlivable and the other part less healthy and wealthy.

Walton calls for SFMTA to restore a key bus line in Vis Valley

Route that takes Southeast residents to Soma and Chinatown was cut in the pandemic, and the community wants it back.

Join us tonight Wed/1 for a public discussion on climate justice in SF

As part of our post-Covid progressive agenda, we will be discussion what climate justice means. It's open to anyone who sends an email to

At Bay Area Nights, Too $hort celebrated his 35-year legacy with fan family

The local hero is the first rapper to release an album in each of five decades. Last Thursday, he showcased classic and new.

With ‘Ticket to Ride,’ Optimist Williams channeled MUNI memories and Frisco legends

The graffiti artist used transfers as a metaphor for a city gone sideways: "Ed Lee was like the pinnacle of destruction here."

The profound importance of a new Housing Plan for San Francisco

The Agenda: City planners admit the 'Jobs Economy' was a disaster. Will they really take another path this time?

In Bayview, air power for the people

Marie Harrison Bayview Hunters Point Air Monitor Project puts important data in the hands of the community