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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

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Tagged with: Campaigns

The POA wants to lock more people up — and thinks its chosen candidates will, too

If you think the solution to the problems of drugs and car break-ins is to make more arrests, prosecute more cases, and lock more...

Cops opposing reform come in big for Trauss, Johnson, and Ho

The San Francisco Police Officers Association, which most mainstream San Francisco elected officials are running away from as fast as they can, because of...

Prop. C kickoff puts politicians in the spotlight: Whose side are you on?

The Yes on C campaign, representing the most important issue on the November ballot, held a rousing kickoff today – and the debate is...

The very odd Breed Administration memo on homeless policy

The Chron, which lost any hope of claiming objectivity during the mayor’s race, is now clearly on the side of the Chamber of Commerce...

‘Dark Money’ explores the terrible consequences of Citizens United

MOVIES When Kimberly Reed first heard about Citizens United, the 2010 Supreme Court decision that determined corporations were people and money was speech, allowing...

The Chron hates ‘dark money’ — except in San Francisco

From the annals of our last remaining daily print newspaper: SF Chronicle Editorial Page Editor John Diaz has been crusading against “dark money” for some...

Screen Grabs: Dark Money, Generation Wealth, Everything Else

SCREEN GRABS This week’s movies seem unified by the theme of money—not least the big new popcorn movie Mission: Impossible 6, because no one...

OPINION: The best sort of democracy for San Francisco

Calvin Welch has been a dedicated housing activist and progressive leader for decades, but we have consistently disagreed with him about Ranked Choice Voting...

OPINION: What went wrong June 5 — and what we can learn

Editor’s note: Progressives who supported Mark Leno or Sup. Jane Kim are looking at the results of the election and trying to figure out...

OPINION: The progressive movement was the winner in this election

San Francisco just went through one of the most memorable elections in decades. The mayor’s race was the closest in modern San Francisco history,...