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Saturday, January 11, 2025

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Tagged with: Campaigns

The story of SF’s hidden monument to WWI

This year is the 100-year anniversary of the entry of the United States into World War I. It is also the 100-year anniversary of...

How to Save SF’s Heart

Editors note: Jon Golinger, a longtime local campaign manager and activist, has written a new book called Saving San Francisco's Heart. It's published by...

Dolores Huerta, filling the screen

In 1962, political organizer Dolores Huerta was a twice-divorced mother of seven. She had also just told Cesar Chávez that she would join him...

Monster in the Mission spends $300K on signatures

I was out of town when the latest chapter of the Monster in the Mission fight took place. As Mission Local reports, the developer...

Inside the Yimby conference

Last weekend about 120 attendees from 17 cities gathered in downtown Oakland for the Yimbytown 2017 conference. Organized by East Bay Forward, the event...

Cohen moves to sideline opposition to ‘profoundly undemocratic’ state law

Sup. Malia Cohen, unexpectedly and at the last moments of yesterday’s Board of Supes meeting, announced that she wanted to delay consideration of a...

The Agenda, July 17-23: Ballot politics and cannabis

Sup. Aaron Peskin is asking his colleagues to sign Tuesday/18 on to a resolution opposing AB 943, the state measure that would make it...

Newsom’s lawsuit against SF goes to court this week

A San Francisco Superior Court Judge will hear arguments Wednesday/28 in a lawsuit filed by Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom and his State Lands Commission...

Assembly passes bill to limit land-use ballot initiatives

A bill that would make it harder for local residents to pass ballot measures limiting development has passed the state Assembly with almost no...

What if everything the national Democratic Party leaders think about campaigns is wrong?

You could fill half a library with all the post-election analyses, recriminations, post-mortems and debates over the worse debacle to hit the Democratic Party...