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Monday, March 17, 2025

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Tagged with: Capitalism

Wiener housing bill passes, trusting the market to solve the crisis

The biggest policy issue in Sacramento this spring, aside from health care, was almost certainly housing, and with good reason: San Francisco is not...

Who are the real hoarders?

“Mr. Allison, Mr. Allison, this is your case-mangler, we are here for your daily, weekly, hourly room inspection.” Covered in face mask, latex gloves and...

The Agenda, Feb. 26-March 5: What’s still wild in SF …

Glen Canyon Park is one of my favorite places in the city. It’s right in the middle of the third-densest urban area in the...

Racism — and politics — in SF Redevelopment history

Bad history -- even when well-intended -- gives me a headache, because it so often misses and conceals far more important truths. To wit,...

Why SF’s City Planning Department doesn’t get it

  There is no designated Sociologist position on the 200+ staff of San Francisco’s City Planning Department. And a bachelor/masters degree in Urban Planning can...

Defending us from Trumpism? Jerry Brown is no help

At the heart of the appeal of Trump's successful campaign message was (is) the accusation that the leadership of the Democratic party was (is)...

The Agenda, Inauguration Week: How and where to protest Trump

I first heard about Aeon Magazine on the Freakonomics radio show, when the host, Stephen Dubner, interviewed these two historians about the importance of...

Coming in FRESH

ONSTAGE The piece Bay Area dancer and educator Amara Tabor-Smith will perform this weekend at the 2017 FRESH Festival explores how capitalism seeks control of black...

Local housing: A little reality

Reading the superficial year-end wrap-ups and “expert commentary” about the city’s housing situation in the local press this week is making my head hurt....

Ding-dong aesthetics

ALL EARS Bay Area experimental music composer and legend Pauline Oliveros, who passed away last Thursday, once described her famous Deep Listening practice as...