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Tagged with: Corruption

Our top 15 stories of 2015

From Airbnb lies and Uber scams to Old Boys Clubs and Stanford a-holes, 48 Hills covered the stories no one else could. It's been a momentous...

The Agenda, Oct. 12-Oct. 18: Are we really better off after five years of Ed Lee?

The question that isn't getting asked in this mayoral race. Plus: Remembering a deadly case of landlord arson from a much earlier era of...

Can SF stop the “climate of corruption?”

A rally calls for outside investigators -- while campaign filings show that much of the tech and developer domination is perfectly legal SEPTEMBER 9, 2015...


Support 48 Hills --the Bay Area's only nonprofit, completely independent, progressive news source -- and help keep alternative media vibrant and thriving. DEAR READERS, We've...

Press terror: Mexico reels from journalist murders

The killing of photojournalist Rubén Espinosa and this week's massacre in Veracruz bring attention to Mexico's failure to protect the press. By Caitlin Donohue AUGUST 14,...

Ed Lee and the FBI corruption charges

Raymond Chow's lawyers haven't proven that the mayor is involved in anything illegal. But damn, this doesn't look good By Tim Redmond AUGUST 4, 2015 –...

Guns, girls, gangsters storm Castro Theatre

From 'Chinatown at Midnight' to 'Dangerous Blondes,' the I Wake Up Dreaming series showcases rare noir films, Thu/6-Sept. 3. By Dennis Harvey SCREEN GRABS Elliot Lavine...

Mayors sneak into Uber behind police barricades

Local leaders pay homage to a company that got rich breaking local laws By Tim Redmond JUNE 22, 2015 -- The US Conference of Mayors ended...

Watch out: What to see at Frameline 39

Mexican muxes, Indian desire, drunk guidance counselors, Tab Hunter, Yes Men, and a straight-again James Franco at the world's largest LGBT film fest. By Dennis...

Why would any SF politician want the endorsement of the Police Officers Association?

Given the SFPOA's recent track record, you have to wonder if the backing of that group is really something to be proud of By Tim...