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Sunday, March 16, 2025

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Tagged with: Density Bonus

Again, the Chron misses the (critical) point on housing

Zoning rules aren't stopping construction, period. It's all about capital and finance—so blaming affordable housing activists is wrong.

Bogus group-housing plan approved—sort of

In a sign of how messed up state law has become, Supes allow five-unit building that developer says is too small.

ABAG’s regional housing plan is a fantasy

The affordable housing won't get built, developers will get rich, and low-income communities will be devastated.

SF’s economic recovery plan: Trumpism on the local level

It's all about governmental deregulation and public subsidy of private profit -- while ignoring the manifest needs of everyday people.

Epic Sacramento showdown over looming eviction tsunami

In an important State Capitol legislative shift, on Thursday Berkeley Assemblymember Nancy Skinner agreed to amend her controversial housing bill, AB1085. She said she will...

Bill that could cost SF $50 million up for key Assembly vote

A bill that could cost San Francisco as much as $50 million in lost affordable housing money comes before a key state Assembly committee...

Developer wants huge density bonus — should we know why?

Fascinating housing discussion last week at the Board of Supes. The issue involves a large site at Geary and Masonic that for years was...

Talking Yimby, acting Nimby in District 5

A story is unfolding in the District Five supervisor race, ignored by the news media, that illustrates the contradiction between narrative and fact that...

Excelsior residents oppose new luxury housing project

On Sunday afternoon, Excelsior residents and community-based organizations gathered to march, drum, chant, perform, and express their collective anger and distress over the rise...

Wiener’s ‘transit-oriented development’ bill screws public transit

  State Sen. Scott Wiener is promoting his housing bill, SB 50, as an example of environmental progress, since the measure is pushing transit-oriented development...