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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Tagged with: Developers

Ed Lee’s development legacy and the end of ‘balanced growth’

There is one defining fact about Ed Lee's years as mayor that has been missed in all that has been written about his legacy:...

The Agenda, Jan 8-16: A critical rent-control vote, and the power struggle at City Hall

The most important and dramatic change in state rent control law in 20 years is up for its first hearing at a state Assembly...

More housing. Higher prices. That’s what a new city report shows

At the Ed Lee memorial Sunday, a string of politicians who are not at all humble talked about the humble side of the late...

Chiang wants to be governor, but is a bit vague on some key issues

State Treasurer John Chiang brought his campaign for governor to San Francisco today, and in front of a fairly modest media crowd accepted the...

Little-known Yimby-developer bills will have big impact on local planning

Of the fifteen bills in the “housing package” signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown on September 29, the one that got the most...

Some differences start to emerge from D8 debate

The District 8 supe debate was generally polite and cordial, and since both candidates are focusing mostly on district issues, there were plenty of...

The strange saga of 114 Lyon St

In what longtime planning observers say is a highly unusual move, the owners of a building in the Haight are asking legal permission to...

SF Planning Commission debates housing, ignores gentrification

The San Francisco Planning Commission discussed the housing crisis Thursday, and there were a few remarkable moments. Much of the presentation by planners focused on...

Can SF prevent 15 low-income renters from losing their homes?

Fifteen low-income tenants, many of them military vets, some formerly homeless, still face eviction this fall as the city struggles to figure out how...

The Agenda, Oct. 1-8: Big changes at Ocean Beach …

The San Francisco Police Commission pulled a discussion of Tasers off the agenda last week — just as an Oakland man died after being...