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Saturday, May 18, 2024

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Tagged with: Development

How Breed undermined plan to save affordable housing on Divisadero Street

Building could easily have gone to nonprofit instead of convicted felon who tried to burn down res hotel in Oakland.

Historical photos of queer relationships inspire tender moves of RAWdance’s ‘LOVING STILL’

"Romance has been as much a part of our history as struggle," reminds company co-founder Wendy Rein.

The housing crisis Scott Wiener created

Demolitions. Displacement. And zero new affordable housing. That's the bill the state senator got passed, and the supes have to deal with it this week.

Việt Lê embodies the divine of ‘MOTHER | GODDESS’ with Southeast Asian ‘spiritual drag’

Drawing on ceremony practiced in one of the oldest Indigenous Vietnamese religions, event looks to support audience's own intuition.

No, the supes didn’t ‘punt’ on housing bill

A measure that makes no sense is still on track; here's what it might mean for the city.

Lorraine Hansberry Theatre stages Black women’s healing with joyful jeté

Artistic director Margo Hall celebrates company's mentorship opportunities and high-spirited holiday production 'Soulful Christmas.'

No words: Savor the Castro’s last moments as movie palace with ‘A Day of Silents’

Start off with 10am all-cartoon bill, and stay for slapstick, swashbuckle, and romantical burlesque on the beloved screen.

Housing bill that makes no sense at all moves forward with reluctant committee vote

Trickle-down economics from the Reagan Era rules as the state forces San Francisco to give luxury developers what they want (and ignores affordable housing).

Supes push back on state-mandated housing disaster

Plus: An honest discussion about the cops and budget priorities. That's The Agenda for Nov. 26 to Dec. 3

Oral history as inspiration and antidote: Lynn Lewis on ‘Women Who Change the World’

The organizer-author's new work offers deep personal stories of lives dedicated to the social justice movement.