Monday, May 6, 2024

Tagged with: Media

What did Breed’s Nuru announcement really mean?

It’s taken a couple of days, but the local news media have mostly come around to the fact that the real news Friday was...

Foreign Correspondent: Reaction to coronavirus is overblown

A new and deadly virus from China is coming to get you. Cancel your travel plans, quarantine your grandparents, and don’t let a Chinese...

Moms 4 Housing bill expanded

Oakland Councilmember Nikki Fortunato Bas announced yesterday that the Moms 4 Housing bill, which would give tenants the first right of purchase on buildings...

New Music: Transcendental dancing with Eris Drew’s ‘Fluids of Emotion’

The first nanoseconds of an Eris Drew song or mixtape resemble the work of a maestro dramaturge. Everything—sound scratches, cutting in vocals, record manipulations...

Springsteen meets surveillance state in ‘Born in East Berlin’

Rogelio Martinez likes a little chaos when he works. So one day he had his toddler daughter, Charlotte, on his lap watching videos while...

Arts Forecast: Welcome to the ‘Manifesto’

If people asked me who I'd invite to my dream dinner party, I'm pretty sure James Baldwin, Nina Simone, and Fela Kuti would make...

A culture of corruption at City Hall

I was in a taxi the night that the feds announced they had arrested DPW director Mohammed Nuru, and the driver wanted to talk...

When Jerry Brown sounds like Donald Trump

Scott Shafer’s conversations with former Gov. Jerry Brown are running as a series on KQED, and the section on his work in Oakland, which...

Terence Hallinan, rebel and advocate for the oppressed

Terence Hallinan died Jan. 17, and in death got a lot more positive press than he ever did in life. The Chron ran a nice...

Oakland moms make national statement with housing victory

In a huge victory that may change the way Oakland (and other cities) looks at vacant housing, homeless mothers who took over an empty...