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Saturday, March 15, 2025

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Tagged with: Medicine

SF seizes homeless people’s property — and they rarely get it back

An advocacy group for homeless people has just released a stunning set of videos that demonstrate how police and city workers are taking away...

Watching at CROSSROADS 2019: Avant-garde film festival returns

San Francisco Cinematheque’s annual experimental film festival CROSSROADS is celebrating its 10th year at the SFMOMA, Fri/7-Sun/9. With 62 ​works of film, video, and...

Queering Psychedelics conference aims to expand definitions, minds

Psychedelics are having a moment that's turning into a movement. Shrooms are being decriminalized. MDMA is being (re)approved for post-traumatic stress therapy. Ketamine is...

Homeless, at the airport

“Get up, you have to move along…did you hear me? It’s time to move along…” The hard wood of the baton slammed against the...

Homeless people — in cages

Here lies the unhoused soldier  Killed in the undeclared war on the poor Just tryin to survive outside --  to hide on a bus bench,  away from your...

How the media distort news from Venezuela

Whenever officials in Washington, D.C. set out to overthrow a foreign government, mainstream US media outlets are there to give a helping hand. All...

The inhumanity of homeless ‘sweeps’

  No matter how many times you “sweep” me,“arrest me,” or “study me, it doesn’t give me a home. In 1984, when I was 11 and...

Regional planners mount a quiet coup to promote developers and attack vulnerable communities

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission has been planning a coup. Not the putsch kind of coup, where armed insurgents overthrow a duly constituted government, but an...

Screen Grabs: Xmas Weekend flicks galore

SCEEN GRABS This week brings two major new films about “divisive” American political figures—not exactly what the general public usually wants for Xmas, but...

The reality about Nancy Pelosi …

When Nancy Pelosi became speaker of the House in 2007, Washington news media started calling me. The right wing was going nuts; Pelosi, they...