Friday, May 3, 2024

Tagged with: News

Magnificent obsession with Cate Le Bon

Contour: The peripatetic Cate Le Bon (playing the Chapel July 9) hand-made 100 mugs in conjunction with the release of her 2013 LA-based album Mug...

Screen Grabs: The perils of ‘Midsommar’

SCREEN GRABS The big noise commercially this week is Spider-Man: Far From Home, yet another entry in the most confusingly overpopulated movie franchise of...

Avast ye, developers! SF Mime Troupe’s ‘Treasure Island’ opens 60th season

Art mirrors Bay Area life in San Francisco Mime Troupe (SFMT)’s 60th-anniversary show, Treasure Island. Opening in Dolores Park on July 4, the play about...

UC’s deal with Big Pharma should raise red flags

Last week, the drug company GlaxoSmithKline announced a five-year, $67 million partnership with UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco. Their stated goal is to establish a...

People in cages, Earth under attack in occupied colonial land

"I’m not sure where they are taking us, but I am praying it is safe.” Marta sat in the back of the Greyhound bus near...

The problems with the gig economy and a housing ‘crisis’ bill

The gig economy and its problems are big news all over the country. California is moving to crack down on some huge, profitable companies...

Matteo Lane gets Clusterfested

ONSTAGE Out New York-based comedian Matteo Lane didn’t dream of a career in comedy, growing up. In fact, the “Moving On” (2015), “Crashing” (2018), and...

Screen Grabs: A ‘sex raft’ run amuck

SCREEN GRABS The big news in Bay Area moviegoing this week is the annual arrival of the Frameline LGBTQ film fest, which we previewed here....

Housing is focus of D5 debate

It’s not surprising, given the political landscape in San Francisco, that housing and homelessness were among the most contentious issues at Friday’s District 5...

Bernie Day at the state Dem Convention

Sunday was Bernie Sanders Day at the state Democratic Convention. Bernie supporters packed the area outside the convention hall. Bernie signs were everywhere when he...