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Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Tagged with: Obama

Review: The gleaming, steaming ‘Hamilton’ machine

ONSTAGE OK, Thomas Jefferson as Slick Rick got me. Dazzlingly embodied by actor Simon Longnight in the latest touring production of Hamilton to hit SF (through...

How the war in Yemen could end — in a matter of days

The murder of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has intensified Washington’s debate over the war in Yemen. On February 13, by a 248-177 vote,...

Exploring the ‘Convergence’ of Yiddish and African American spiritual music

ALL EARS There are a couple of reactions that stand out to Black Yiddishist opera singer Anthony Mordechai Tzvi Russell when he performs a...

Police-reform advocates push Assembly bill to restrict shootings

Nine hundred ninety-eight. That’s how many people were shot and killed by police in the US in 2018. And 115 of those were in...

Does Cuba censor the Internet? Think again

HAVANA -- A group of Cubans stared intently at the screens of their smart phones here in Old Havana, checking emails and Googling news...

Some reality facing the candidates for president

The 2020 presidential race is well under way, and now that Sen. Kamala Harris surprised nobody by announcing she’s running, more people will enter. Harris...

Trump: The sudden anti-war champion?

Last week President Donald Trump surprised the world, and much of his own staff, by announcing plans to pull more than 2,000 US troops...

Screen Grabs: Festival mania fills local cinemas!

SCREEN GRABS There is surely nowhere in the world with more film festivals per capita than San Francisco. While the bigger annual events are...

Murder of Saudi journalist builds opposition to Yemen war

The murder of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has backfired on the Saudi royal family by focusing new attention on its vicious war on...

Solidarity after the massacre of Jews in Pittsburgh

Rabbi Michael Lerner, who leads the Beyt Tikkun Synagogue-Without-Walls in Berkeley and is the editor of Tikkun magazine, sent this out to his community in the...