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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Tagged with: Obama

Foreign Correspondent: Who’s at fault for Cuba’s economic problems?

HAVANA—Chef Alexis Alvarez was in panic mode. He was preparing a gourmet meal for visitors from the United States when the electricity went out....

Bingeing on dystopia: The politico-cultural decade in review

Gore Vidal once remarked that the three saddest words in the English language were “Joyce Carol Oates,” but from the vantage point of late...

Our top stories of 2019

From the election of Chesa Boudin and Dean Preston to a renewed spirit of arts and culture in the face of displacement, the 48...

Foreign Correspondent: An open letter to a Trump-supporting friend

I first met Robby Robertson during the 1969 General Electric strike. He was a young, militant worker fighting for a decent contract and social...

A nonprofit alliance becomes an ally of Big Telecom

It's not unusual for businesses to spend princely sums lobbying government to free them from regulations, which generally means consumer protections are reduced or...

Screen Grabs: Three of the year’s best dramas and more

Many new films of interest opening this Friday—so many, in fact, that we had to write separately about the week’s revival highlights (see here)...

Foreign Correspondent: The Brexit mess

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Britain’s tousle-haired answer to Donald Trump, came into office promising to leave the European Union by October 31. He declared...

SF’s housing policy failure on full display this week

The city’s failure to make sure affordable housing keeps up with office growth will be on full display at the Land Use and Transportation...

Finished with labels, Finish Ticket starts anew

Finish Ticket is finished with Elektra Records. The Alameda indie-pop band (appearing Sat/28 at Slim's, SF) was signed by the mega-label in 2014 after years...

Behind the ‘dark money’ in the DA’s race

Suzy Loftus, a candidate for district attorney, just sent out a fundraising email complaining that a “dark money” group is pouring money into the...